Monday, July 19, 2010

Almost 1, Crazyness and Break!

Max will be one years in less than 3 weeks!!! Hard to believe. We had his 1 year old pictures taken tonight! :) I have never seen any cuter pictures than his pictures tonight. Target in Ankeny did awesome! I spent alot of money on pictures! Hope everyone likes them! We have such big plans for his birthday, I can't wait!

Finals were last week and thank god there over for another 10 weeks :) I ace'd all my classes and I am excited! I made the deans list again !!!! WHOOO HOOOOO!!! That's all that I am worried about! Worried about proving my sister wrong and that I can go to college at 26 and be successful. HA! BOO YAH!

With finals being over, that means its break time for 2 weeks. The new term starts the 29th for me and I am hoping this break goes slow. I need to reload and refresh before next term. I have A&P 2 which will be the death of me I'm sure! BuT NO MORE MATH! WHOOOO!!! I feel I have some somewhat easy courses this next term. Let's see in 10 weeks :)

We'll here are more of Max's pictures from tonight. Hope everyone enjoys them :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

4th of July and a Much Needed Break!

Wow! This year has gone fast! This weekend is the 4th of July and it's so hard to believe its here already! I am excited to be celebrating it with Max, and my dad & step-mom. Max & I are heading to Omaha, on Saturday. I am so excited! It will be a great get away from school and work. Finals are coming up so I will be stressing here soon! 2 weeks from today, I will be done with finals and on a 2 weeks break! Whoot whoot! Not sure what I'm going to do with my break yet, but I'm super stoked!

Max started walking on Tuesday. I saw him out of the corner of my eye take a step and I thought I was crazy. Yesterday, while at my grandparents, he took 5 steps and then today, I caught him walking across the room out of the corner of my eye. I said yayyyy Max and he clapped and then fell and that was the end of that walking stint. :) He is so big. I mailed out his birthday invites this week and I am so excited and can't wait! Well I can, but I can't.

Got to spend some time with grandma and grandpa today. Grandma is slowly but surely getting better and its a process that will take time.

I am so watching the news and they are covering the floods of 2010. You would think they would learn from the past and build a fortress around the river and the city :) I went downtown today with the grandparents and we stopped to take pictures and there are so many pictures that can't even describe whats happening to the river.

We'll I am off to bed. Max is in the parade tomorrow morning! Hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July weekend!
